How to Win with Agency Banking? Best Practices and Overlooked Benefits
What you will learn in this webinar:
- 10 Best Practices for Growing and Managing a Successful Agent Network - such as considering agency as part of a wider business strategy; balancing Tech and Touch; prioritizing agent support, and more.
6 Overlooked Benefits of Agency Banking - additional opportunities that can be realized via agency banking.
This is the second session in our webinar series “Agency Banking from A to Z”. The series empowers business leaders and digital channel managers of financial institutions with the best practices they need to build a successful agency banking model. Starting from the basics, through lessons learnt, to real-life success stories - all based on Software Group’s 10-year experience deploying Agency solutions in more than 15 countries.

Josephine Njoroge is a Product Manager for Agency Banking channel at Software Group. She has 8 years of business/project experience in Sub-Saharan Africa, in delivering digital solutions for banks, micro-finance, SACCOs, and financial inclusion sector.
Agency Banking from A to Z
Don't miss out the other webinars in the series: